Founded in 2004, Eminent Technical Solutions (ETS) strives to solve the problems that technology creates so that individuals, organizations, and communities can fully reap the benefits that technology offers. With the goal of creating a world where everyone has access to the technology that best serves their needs, ETS then expanded into providing high-speed internet in underserved communities.
This effort began when ETS was contracted by the city of Burley to build the infrastructure necessary to provide faster, more reliable internet since there weren’t any quick, dependable, and affordable internet options available to residents. ETS was then chosen by the city as the exclusive internet service provider to utilize this new infrastructure.
Viewing the network as more of a public utility than as a means to make profit, ETS was the only provider willing to guarantee minimum wireless speeds of 35 Mbps upload x 100 Mbps download and symettrical fiber speeds of 1 Gbps x 1 Gbps at an affordable price. With these speeds, residents are better able to leverage the internet to best serve their needs, while paying less than they would with another provider.
Click here to learn more about the ETS network infrastructure and coverage area in Cassia, Minidoka, Camas, and Lincoln County, or browse the high-speed internet plans below.